Amarjeet Sada, India?s Infamous Child Psychopath.

Kent Kiehl, a psychologist at the University of New Mexico, says that an ominous sign that someone displays psychopathic behavior is when they commit crimes at a very young age: ages that are as young as 8, 9, 10. These children are more likely to display callous behavior when they grow up and might go on to commit heinous crimes.
Psychopathy itself is a trait where the individual shows a lack of remorse, is detached from emotions, and shows extreme forms of apathy towards human emotions. While constituting a minority in the larger population, these individuals are responsible for more than half of the crimes committed within society. While most of them are grown adults committing acts after they achieve their independence and hide them from the world, some individuals start their killing spree from a very young age.
This was the case for India?s youngest and most infamous child psychopath, Amarjeet Sada, who was just eight years old when he first fed his lust for taking a human life and his desire to inflict pain on others. He chose to prey on children, and his first victim was just a small baby who was only eight months old. What makes this even more chilling is that it wasn?t just a random child; the eight-month-old child was Amarjeet?s own sister.
A lust for blood was deemed as familial affairs.
Born in the village of Mushahar, Bihar, India, the child experienced a childhood much like other children around him. However, none of the people around him knew that he would grow up to commit heinous crimes. Some people speculate that as his father was a laborer, he forced Amarjeet to work from a very early age. Considering that the family was poor, abuse must have taken place that led to the nurturing of Amarjeet?s psychopathic and sadistic tendencies.
Shortly after the murder of his sister, Amarjeet struck again, murdering another infant who was six months old. This victim happened to be the daughter of his maternal uncle. Amarjeet seemed to find joy in picking out victims that he had easy access to and would strangle them to death. What is more horrific is that the families and the villagers knew about the murders that Sada had been committing but chose to remain silent, deeming them as internal familial issues. They didn?t realize that soon, Amarjeet?s killing spree would show life outside of his family as well.
?[Amarjeet] spoke little but smiled a lot.? ? Bihar Police.
In 2007, Chunchun Devi, the mother of a six-month-old daughter, Khushboo, left her at the school daycare to tend to her chores for the day. When she returned, she found that her child was missing. After the news spread, people started to fear for the worst, and knowing about Amarjeet?s past and his easy access to Khushboo, they confronted him.
After being questioned, Amarjeet showed no remorse and gleefully told the villagers about how he strangled the child to death and led them to a shallow grave where she was buried. Excitedly he told them, ?Khapda de mar mar ke sura deliyay,? which translates to ?I killed her by beating her from a brick.? He told them that he quickly covered her from the debris and grass around and left for his house after she was dead. After confessing, Amarjeet was arrested for the murder of Khushboo Devi.
Unfortunately, as the family covered up the murders of his first two victims, he was never found guilty for their murders. Despite this, he was called into questioning and asked about how he attacked his victims and why he did so. His response would send chills down anyone?s spine. When asked about the killings, Amarjeet Sada looked at the police and smiled, and simply asked for more biscuits to be provided to him. He did not show any remorse, and whenever nudged into the direction of his heinous acts, he would stop talking and just smile.
Amarjeet had no sense of what was right or wrong.
It became apparent that this was a clear case of child psychopathy, and Superintendent Amir Lodha from Begusarai ordered that Amarjeet?s case be looked at from a psychological perspective. Soon, Shamshad Hussain, a Patna-based psychoanalyst, looked into Amarjeet?s situation, and after questioning, he concluded that this was a case of a child that lacked clear remorse and had an extreme liking for inflicting pain on other people ? a clear case of psychopathy.
It seemed that Amarjeet also had a defect in his brain that led to a chemical imbalance which led to increased gratification from inflicting pain on others. He was officially diagnosed with a conduct disorder claimed to be hereditary and led him to commit acts of violence because he had no sense of right or wrong.
Ultimately, Amarjeet was tried in juvenile prison, and according to India?s laws, it is speculated that he was sentenced only for three years in juvenile prison as no child can be sentenced for more than that. It is speculated that due to his mental state and the extreme threat that he posed to society, he was kept in a mental institution after his sentence was served.
Where is Amarjeet Sada now?
Amarjeet Sada?s whereabouts are not known; however, in 2015, he contacted ?The Post Mortem Post? and claimed that he is in a children?s facility in India where he was supposed to be until he was 18. Amarjeet would now be over 20 years old, and if the claim is valid, he would be allowed to leave the children?s house.
While it is unclear if he will go on to commit more crimes or if his child psychopathy was treated at the time he was convicted, it is safe to assume that the case of Amarjeet Sada is one of its kind, which involved not only premeditated thought out murders of infants but also elaborate plans to hide their bodies, so he was not caught. To think that this was all carried out by an eight-year-old child is harrowing.
Was it really Amarjeet behind the murders?
Some people speculate that Amarjeet was not the original culprit, and he was framed for the murders as the nature of the crime and how elaborate the hiding spots of the bodies were could not have been an act of an eight-year-old child. This theory gains credibility as there have been no cases of psychopathic children who not only killed their victims but went on to great lengths to hide the body and evidence.
Despite this plausible conspiracy theory, the fact that he was very excited to show the bodies and knew of their exact location, coupled with his apathetic, sadistic smile when questioned about the killings seems to nudge us to the direction that Amarjeet Sada was, in fact, India?s youngest and most infamous serial killer.