3. Rachel Schmitz Rachel Schmitz is a product designer at SECRET MUMBO and former interaction designer at Google. 4. Chris Liu Chris Liu is a HCI student at CMU and former design intern at Google. 5. Jihoon...
Category: Medium

Dear Gay Teen
Wherever you are, you?re probably wondering if it?ll really get better. It will. If you?re in your teens now, ten years will make all the difference, maybe even less. Why? I?m 27 now. And happy. I am at peace. I...

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 — No Competition for X-Plane 11
A sim-girl?s cave. Let?s start with the good points of this game: the scenery, atmospheric modelling, and rendering. Scenery The scenery in this game is uncannily realistic. As has been touted by many a reviewer, it is genuinely possible to...

Calculadora de Pascal En 1642 por el joven francs BLAISE PASCAL al ver que su padre tenia problemas para llevar una correcta cuenta de los impuestos que cobraba inventa una maquina calculadora que trabajaba a base de engranajes, la misma...

UnboundLocalError: local variable referenced before assignment in Python.
In Python, variables that are only referenced inside a function are implicitly global. If a variable is assigned a value anywhere within the function?s body, it?s assumed to be a local unless explicitly declared as global. It can be a...

10 Best Pro Fonts For Clean & Modern Logo Design
Helvetica Now The Helvetica Now family is available in 48 weights from Light Micro to Extra Black Display, with matching italic. There are many well-known brands that use Helvetica, from the NYC Subway system to corporate giants. Famous brands that...

How this 8-Year-Old Became the Youngest Serial Killer in the World
Amarjeet Sada, India?s Infamous Child Psychopath. Photo Credits: Gulf Insider Kent Kiehl, a psychologist at the University of New Mexico, says that an ominous sign that someone displays psychopathic behavior is when they commit crimes at a very young age:...

تفسير حلم البكاء في المنام
????? ? ?????? ?? ?????? ?? ?????? ?? ????????? ???? ????????? ??????? ?? ????????? ???? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ??? ??? ????? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ????? ??????? ??????? ???? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ???? ???...

Yes, You Can Lose Weight Running
How I lost 65 pounds by outrunning my bad diet ? and finding a better life. My Garmin Report for My First Month of Running SportsTracks Detail on My Workouts: Distance, Time, Pace, Calories Burned and Heartrate As you can...

Bullet Journal — Um Guia Para Iniciantes
#1 O que esse tal de bullet journal? O BuJo (apelido dos ntimos) um sistema de organizao criado por um designer chamado Ryder Carroll. Ele tipo uma agenda para pessoas que no conseguem ou no gostam de usar agendas normais....